Komentář: BSLBATT Lithium Expands Manufacturing and Opens New Facility, Triple the manufacturing space

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lithium-ion forklift battery z IP 240e:3b7:324f:*** | 22.7.2021 05:39
BSLBATT Lithium Expands Manufacturing and Opens New Facility, Triple the manufacturing space

Huizhou, CN, June 18, 2021 — BSLBATT Lithium forklift Batteries is pleased to announce the opening of its new manufacturing facility and company headquarters in huizhou, Guangdong. The new building is three times the size of the former company premises. The move is consistent with our growth strategy and is a response to growing market demand for BSLBATT Lithium forklift Batteries. Our ever-growing product line already exceeds 950 batteries for any lift truck make and model.

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